The policies below relate to the event being TOTALLY UNAFFECTED by Covid 19 regulations or restrictions – 11th to 13th December 2025. The race only accepts 350 riders.

  • Rider substitutions accepted until 30 November 2025 @ R300,00 per rider admin fee. Thereafter, no changes will be accepted. No exceptions will be made.
  • A refund of 50% on the cost of entry will be given to riders who cancel their entry before the 30th of July 2025.
  • A refund of 25% on the entry cost will be given to riders who cancel their entry before the 15th of November 2025.
  • There will be NO refunds for cancellation of entries after the 15th of November 2025.


  • The minimum age for riders with elite racing licenses is 19 years of age by the 31st of December 2025.
  • The minimum age for fun riders who participate is 19 years of age by the 31st of December 2025.
  • Riders must be medically fit and well prepared
  • The race doctor or medical personnel reserve the right to withdraw any rider not deemed capable of continuing.
  • Any medical expenses incurred or evacuation costs will be for the ridersa™ personal account.
  • Only mountain bikes in good working order will be allowed to start the race.
  • Only riders with official number boards displayed and unobstructed on the front of their bikes will be permitted to start.
  • Riders are responsible for the cost of the maintenance of their bicycles but there will be neutral service available on the route and at the race village.
  • Basic bike repair and bike wash facilities will be provided by the race organizers at the race villages. Costs related to this will be for the riders account.
  • Helmets with ANSI standards are compulsory.
  • Separation time penalties will apply to teams. Team riders are not permitted to be more than 2 minutes apart at any stage of the event and a penalty of 30 minutes will be applied for each time as these will be measured at random on any part of the route by a race official.
  • For the riders own safety, we recommend the following equipment;
  • First aid kit with a space blanket, first aid dressings, and plasters, sunblock and riders own personal medication for allergies, asthma, etc.
  • Riders should have basic repair tools, minimum of 2 liters drinking liquid enough nutrition for each stage and cell phone (emergency number to be provided as there will not be cell phone reception on some parts of the route).
  • The start groups will be seeded and riders must be in their start chutes at least 20 minutes before start time. Category leaders have the option of starting in the first batch provided they are on time. Riders not in their correct start groups 20 minutes before the start may be required to start at the back of the field.
  • Cut off times will be confirmed in the near future.
  • Team times will be taken when the second rider crosses the finish line. Riders who wish to discontinue the race MUST inform the race officials at the race village or at the water points. In the event of one team member withdrawing from the race, the race office will assist in attempting to form a new team. The formation of a new team remains the responsibility of the riders. Newly formed teams will not qualify for rankings, but individual riders will still qualify as finishers.
  • When riding on public roads, all normal traffic rules apply ie. Keep left and obey all traffic signs, marshals and traffic officers.
  • Race briefing will be held each morning 5 minutes before the start. There will be an information area and route explanation each evening for the riders. This will be done by Dr Evil aka Leon Evans.
  • Participants may only receive assistance from fellow competitors. Outside assistance and feeding will only be permitted at the official water points.
  • Seconding vehicles will only be allowed on public roads.
  • Any protest must be submitted in writing to the race director or commissaire within 30 minutes after crossing the line.
  • Riders may be disqualified at the discretion of the race director or commissaire for:  (a) riding without a helmet (b) littering or damage to the environment (c) bad sportsmanship (d) abuse of race and traffic official (e) breaking of any of the above rules.
  • There will be no refunds on entries if the event is cancelled due to weather or for the safety of the competitors.
  • It is highly recommended that the supporters do not use the route road. Any supporters who are seen assisting their riders will be disqualified. If anyone visits the spectator points, they must return the same way they got there and must stay off the race route.
  • RACE CANCELLATIONS -¨The Event Organisers will attempt to do everything in their power to prevent race cancellation but they reserve the right to do so. In this event, competitors indemnify Headstrong Productions / The Dr Evil Experience against any liability and claims howsoever incurred. No refunds. No exceptions.

E-Bikes/ Power Assisted Bicycles

  1. Definition: In this clause the term “e-bike” means a bicycle that has pedals as its primary mode of propulsion and an auxiliary electric motor as a form of power assistance.
  2. Should a cyclist wish to use a power assisted (PAS) bicycle in the Dr Evil Experience (DEC)- only a bicycle which has electricity as its auxiliary power may be ridden.
  3. Should a rider wish to partake in the DEC by using an e-bike, such rider must select the E- bike category when completing the online entry for the DEC.
  4. If the rider failed to register in the E-bike category, he/she will not be allowed to partake in the DEC.
  5. Any person riding an e-bike on the DEC  that has not formally entered as an E-Bike participant shall be disqualified from this and future DEC events.
  6. An e-bike may only be used by a rider in the DEC if such e-bike adheres to ALL of the following requirements:
    1. it weighs less than 30 kg;
    2. it looks like a bicycle and accordingly must contain pedals which serve as the principal method of propulsion;
    3. the auxiliary electric motor with which it is equipped has a maximum continuous rated power of 250W (or 0.25kW)
    4. the motorised assistance only engages when the rider is pedalling, progressively reduces and finally cuts off as the vehicle reaches a speed of  32 km/h or sooner (i.e. no permanently powered bicycles);
    5. it is fitted with a control mechanism that limits the maximum electric powered speed on PAS (power assist) mode to 32 km/h;
    6. is fitted with all the safety equipment recommended, and/or required under South African road traffic legislation, for pedal cycles.
  7. An e-bike rider may not start or attempt to start the event before his/her designated starting time slot. Any rider who does so will be disqualified with immediate effect. The E Bike starting slot time will be communicated to riders with their registration communication before the event.
  8. E-bike results will be marked as such in the DEC.
  9. Riders using e-bikes will not qualify for any prize / podium position in the DEC.
    10. If you are wanting to RACE – there will be a separate E-bike start, 20 minutes before the first analogue bikes start at 08:00 daily.
    11. If you want to RELAX and enjoy the scenery, or if you are on an E-bike and your TEAM partner is on an analogue bicycle – please start with the normal start from 08:00 onwards and not with the racing E Bikes at the front.

Gravel and Single Gear Bicycles

These bicycles are allowed to enter the DEC. They will adhere to the Analogue Bicycle Rules and will receive their start seeding with the pre event rider communication.